Volume 8, Issue 2 (2023)                   SJMR 2023, 8(2): 83-85 | Back to browse issues page

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Behjati F. Navigating the Complexities of Personalized Medicine: Genetic Counseling in Breast Cancer Management. SJMR 2023; 8 (2) : 1
URL: http://saremjrm.com/article-1-294-en.html
Sarem Gynecology, Obstetrics and Infertility Research Center, Sarem Women’s Hospital, Iran University of Medical Science (IUMS), Tehran, Iran. & Sarem Cell Research Center (SCRC), Sarem Women’s Hospital, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (794 Views)
Genetic Predisposition and Testing
Genetic Predisposition and Testing is a crucial area in the realm of personalized medicine, especially in the context of breast and ovarian cancer. This concept revolves around understanding how genetic factors influence an individual's likelihood of developing these types of cancers. The primary focus is on identifying specific genes that are known to increase the risk, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, which are significantly associated with higher chances of developing breast and ovarian cancers. The process of testing for these genetic predispositions involves a detailed analysis of an individual's genetic makeup, usually through blood tests or other biological samples. This testing is not only pivotal for the individual undergoing it but also has far-reaching implications for their family members, as it can reveal inherited risks.
Genetic counseling plays a vital role in this process. It involves assessing an individual's risk of cancer based on their family history and genetic test results. Counselors provide crucial information and support, helping individuals and families understand the implications of test results, the nature of the risks involved, and the steps they can take to manage these risks. This might include more frequent screenings, lifestyle changes, or in some cases, preventative surgeries. The integration of genetic testing and counseling in breast and ovarian cancer care represents a significant advancement in personalized medicine. It enables healthcare providers to tailor prevention and treatment strategies to individual risk profiles. This personalized approach not only enhances the effectiveness of the treatments but also helps in reducing the psychological burden on individuals by providing them with a clearer understanding of their health risks and the available management strategies.
However, this approach also raises ethical considerations. The knowledge of one's genetic predisposition to cancer can lead to anxiety and may impact life decisions, such as family planning. Moreover, there are concerns about privacy and the potential misuse of genetic information, particularly regarding insurance and employment discrimination.
overall, genetic predisposition testing and counseling are transforming the landscape of cancer care, offering more personalized and effective approaches. While these advances bring hope and new possibilities for individuals at risk, they also necessitate careful consideration of the ethical and psychosocial implications involved….
Article number: 1
Keywords: Breast Cancer
Full-Text [PDF 250 kb]   (391 Downloads)    
Article Type: Editorial | Subject: Sterility Genetical Disorders
Received: 2023/07/2 | Accepted: 2023/07/16 | Published: 2023/12/19

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