Volume 5, Issue 4 (2020)                   SJMR 2020, 5(4): 153-158 | Back to browse issues page

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Amini Mahabadi J. The effect of Covid-19 disease on reproductive and fertility of female. SJMR 2020; 5 (4) :153-158
URL: http://saremjrm.com/article-1-194-en.html
PhD of reproductive biology, Gametogenesis Research Center, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran. Sarem Fertility & Infertility Research Center (SAFIR) & Sarem Cell Research Center (SCRC), Sarem Women’s Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), Tehran, Iran. , ja.amini@sarem.org
Abstract:   (6763 Views)
Aims: The COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary global situation, and all countries have adopted their own strategies to diminish and eliminate the spread of the virus. Scientifc societies, such as the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology and American Society for Reproductive Medicine, have provided recommendations and guidance to overcome on infection in patients who undergo IVF treatments. Although there is as yet no evidence that the virus causing COVID-19 might have negative effects on IVF outcomes, but in order to support healthcare systems fertility treatments have been postponed approximately.
Methods: In this review paper, included studies were investigated in Persian and English databases, such as SID, PubMed, Google scholar, Science direct, Embase, and Scopus, as well as clinical protocols and reports of reputable health organizations during 2000 to 2021 that related with different types of coronaviruses. The search terms were "Pregnancy", "Coronavirus", "novel Coronavirus", "Covid-19", "female reproductive system", and "IVF" that collectively, 21 studies were evaluated in this study.
Conclusion: Due to the global prevalence of this virus, protocols, health care and preventive measures should be taught at the community level in the relationship wiht fertility and infertility centers, and monitoring systems should be considered to this disease, so that these persons can be specifically monitored and followed up during pregnancy.
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Article Type: Analytical Review | Subject: Sterility
Received: 2021/03/1 | Accepted: 2021/08/11 | Published: 2021/08/11

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